Thursday, January 15, 2009

Noise pollution

Do you react if the person next to you talks loud and shrill? Perhaps not. Perhaps a lot. I have seen people fight against noise pollution without making any noise. Just kidding! I mean really how do you argue with a person who is hearing songs on his/her cell phone with the volume cranked up to the maximum? I mean if you do at all. If you are a good person, it makes sense to keep your noise level below his cell phone noise level. Nahi? An interesting way is to get interested in that person’s personal affairs…so much that in an attempt to converse with you he tunes it down or even better turns it off. In any case what you want is achieved. Really simple! Well won’t give you the feeling of changing the world, but what do you really care? Being compassionate will solve plenty of problems. Do you know how to twitch and turn the things to everybody’s advantage? That’s called social work too ;)

People make mistakes and if they are publicly ridiculed for it, chances are that they will probably remember that hurt more than what was worth learning. So why hurt? To change the world you just need enough time to connect. Have it?

I have been implementing many such ideas on daily basis since my childhood. And believe me it works every time. Hope to twitch and twist many things around me. They are quite bothersome. But shhh….that’s the secret.

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